Grappling Training Using the Time-Blocking Method

Here’s a trick I use to make fast, forward progress toward all my goals, including my submission grappling training. It’s called “time blocking”.  It’s a pretty simple idea, but it’s used by the most successful people in every field.

However, many athletes completely ignore this powerful technique in their training, wasting tons of time and failing to reach their goals. You don’t have to be one of them!

The purpose of time blocking is to:

  • ­increase clarity of your training goals (clarity is SO important)
  • increase focus of your training
  • decrease distractions during your training

Improve these 3 things, and you will absolutely improve fast and submit more opponents than you do now. So, how do you do it?

Here’s a 5 step formula for time blocking your training…

1 – Identify your high priority training tasks (i.e What’s going to give you the most improvement NOW?)

2 – Create “time blocks” to train each one of those tasks (Example: 7 minutes of this technique, 5 minutes of this technique and so forth)

3 – Make your time blocks “visual” (a piece of paper or planner), marking the blocks of time with clear start & stop times.

4 – Schedule breaks during these time blocks (your brain processes during these rest periods)

5 – Create a NO DISTRACTION ZONE. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to interrupt you during these time blocks. This part is important!

An example for training would be 10 minutes of uninterrupted reps of one submission, 3 minutes off, 10 minutes of reps of another submission, etc. for 1 hour.

You won’t believe how much more you accomplish when you train. I use this for everything. Even when I work on my business, I use 25 minutes work, 5 minute off time blocks. Productivity goes through the roof.

Do this and I guarantee you will dominate more opponents on the mat. You’ll be shocked at how well it works. 

Keep training!


BTW, if you’re using the iGrapple Mobile you already know that the positions, sub­-positions & moves are grouped PERFECTLY for this type of time-­block training. If not, try the iGrapple Mobile today for $1